So, you’ve had a week off. You’ve (hopefully) managed to relax, maybe you’ve taken a little trip away, or spent time with family and friends.
Then, just like that, it’s Monday morning again and you’re back in school.
But how do you get started again after your break?
Start preparing prior to Monday.
Firstly, get as much planning and materials prepared as possible. This will save you a lot of time once the term is in full swing. Although doing this during your holiday is not ideal. Getting as much as possible done – whilst still making sure you take the time to rest – will help you at a later date.
The second part of the preparation refers to your mental and emotional state. Waking up a 6am on the Monday morning will come as a bit of a shock to the system. Get your body clock on track before by going to bed and waking up slightly earlier. That way you won’t need as much coffee on Monday morning!
This will help you on day one. Write down some achievable targets for the day, week, month and term. The target for day one may even be simply getting through the day in one piece!
Having targets and goals will give you motivation to achieve
Although a lot of students will be dreading going back just as much as you – not all of them will. For some, going to school is enjoyable. They love learning and they get to spend the day with their friends. They thrive on the community and environment.
Take advantage of that. Use the energy and enthusiasm that they bring to school to inspire you.
You are all in the same boat. When you arrive at school, take some time to communicate with your colleagues. It will help you settle back into the environment and remind you that you are all in the same shoes.
Finally, remember that the next break is just around the corner. Though it may seem like the distant future, it is only about six weeks. It’ll whizz by!
Dzisiejszy rynek pracy umożliwia wykorzystanie wielu sposobów aplikowania na oferty pracy. Zrekrutować się można z powodzeniem w social mediach, korzystając z zakładki „kariera” na stronie internetowej Pracodawcy, odpowiadając na tradycyjne ogłoszenie w gazecie czy reagując na plakat wywieszony na przystanku tramwajowym. Naszym zdaniem jednak, najefektywniejszym sposobem na powodzenie w procesie rekrutacyjnym jest współpraca z agencją rekrutacyjną. Zdajemy sobie sprawę, że praca rekrutera owiana została ostatnimi czasy złą sławą. Pracujemy jednak ciężko nad tym, aby odczarować to oblicze rekrutacji. Współpraca z rekruterem agencyjnym jest w istocie bardzo opłacalna dla Kandydata. Jeśli więc odpowiada Ci styl pracy i komunikacji danego rekrutera, warto pozostać z nim w kontakcie na przyszłość. Z pewnością nie raz pozytywnie Cię zaskoczy.
Czytaj więcejStarting Salaries for new Teachers are set to rise ti £26,000 at the start of the next school year, with a further increase to £30,000 by 2022. This comes alongside a 2.5% increase for Senior Teachers and School Leaders.
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